The Star Catcher
Anna Smithers (Author)
Pierre's Promise of the Deep: The Adventures of Pierre and Penny LePockets
James-Scott Wong
Watch our book here
Maddie and Jasmine Go Shopping
Sherry Dunn (Author)
Ocean Full of Wonder
Anna Smothers (Author)
Sherry Dunn (Author)
What a Mess Kid
Kayla Leon (Author)
Grandpa's Pawprints:
A Story of Loss, Life & Love
Lauren Mosback (Author)
Nope! Not Doing It!
Nina Kassam (Author)
I'm In PoWeR!
A Journey to Discover Who We Are
Misun Hifumi (Author)
Hasmark Publishing International
Into the WOODS: Nature-Animals-Forest
(Jessie & Jamie)
A Tinker & Swag book
Strong Girl, Strong Girl: You Were Meant to Be
Our new book! publisher puppy dogs & ice cream.
Brave Boy, Brave Boy: You Were Meant to Be
How to Catch a Dragosauricorn
A Tinker & Swag book
თამარ ჩაჩიბაია - „ერთგულების ფიცი ფითრის ქვეშ“ ანუ პიპას და კასპერის შეხვედრის საშობაო ამბავი (kids.ge)
Publishing House Saqartvelos Matsne |
please click to find the bookThe True History of a Little RagamuffinGreenwood, James |
project for Dar al Fikr Al Lubnani, Publishing.
قصّة "زرزور المهاجر" هي قصّة حول موضوع هجرة الطّيور وأسبابها. لغة القصّة تعليميّة بسيطة. تهدف إلى تعليم الأصوات وإلى إغناء المخزون اللّغويّ عند الأطفال من خلال تكرار العبارات الأساسيّة.
მანანა ტონიას „ციცქნაეთი“publishing Meridiani |
Publishing House Georgian University
This is a project for de la Lebanon (DFL), Lebanon Publishing House in Beirut/Dar al Fikr al Lubnani
me =) |
It`s My Bunny - I painted the mood... |
Elf Publishing
Children's Bible
Publishing House Saqartvelos Matsne
My illustrated books
an incomplete collection
School textbooks for the Georgian language |
http://laterna.ge/?cat=23&show=13784#.XpHDg27VKUk |